No amor, assim como no futebol, não é preciso ser especialista para ser comentador
É senso comum que mais do que rigor na elaboração dos sistemas técnico-tácticos é sobretudo necessária habilidade na transição defesa-ataque. Porque isto há jogos em que já se sabe: quem não marca, sofre.
O clima está definitivamente virado do avesso
Chove em Agosto. Faz calor em Outubro. E o Sporting começa a ganhar à medida que se aproxima o Natal.
"The irony is profoundly disturbing"
A few years ago I met this girl at a show in NYC, and the first thing she said to me was “you broke my boyfriend’s nose when you lived in Providence.” I only have vague memories of this, but when I was in my late teens/early 20’s me and my friends frequented a club in Providence called The Rocket (later, Club Babyhead). On most nights they had punk/post-punk bands coming through, big international and national touring acts from that world, it was amazing. But on certain nights they had a dance party with a DJ, and me and my friends thought this was a fucking crime, an insult and abomination. So we would show up and pretend to dance and just start trouble, trying to pick fights, which is heartbreaking to me in retrospect. So apparently this girl’s boyfriend came up to me and gave me a hard time and I punched him in the face, breaking his nose. The irony is profoundly disturbing.
O dj conhecido como The Juan Maclean em When Juan MacLean Started to Dance.
O dj conhecido como The Juan Maclean em When Juan MacLean Started to Dance.
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